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‘Ahimsa’ in April

Writer: Earth Yoga SanctuaryEarth Yoga Sanctuary

Firstly, hello & happy Mother’s Day! I like to include Mother Earth  in my celebrations.

I don’t know if it was just me, but March was supposed to be all about being mindful, observing without judgement. Instead it seemed to be heavily skewed towards mania. I am witnessing people working longer hours, struggling to surrender, to just let go. Illness seemed to have left no one untouched.

As the blossoms make their appearances so I pray that April will bring light and colour to everyone’s life. May the sun shine and bring with it joy & abundant health.

‘Ahimsa’ is all about non harm to any living creature. This includes oneself and takes into account everything your Being absorbs, from the words we speak, to the air we breathe, to the sights we absorb and the smells we commit to memory.

I invite you to use your mindfulness practice to bear witness to the way you practice ahimsa in your everyday life, to yourself, others and the planet.

Spread love unconditionally!

Love & Light

Karen XX






Sat 6th April 09h30-12h30

At: Shaw Ridge Primary School SN5 5PU

This 'workshop' is more like an energy cleanse morning. Using the principles of Reiki and Kundalini Yoga we will work at clearing and awakening the subtle energy of the body. through yoga techniques.

As we move through the day, different stresses cause our chakras to get blocked leading to a number of elements. It is important to regularly release and clear the chakras for optimal health, ​So even if you attended last year, this will is a practice that should be part of your regular self care rituals. ​

The 7 main chakras can be classified as swirling wheels of electromagnetic energy that are arranged as an ascending column, starting at the base of the spine and ending at the crown of the head. When the energy enters into a chakra and is blocked, it will try to express itself through a psychological disassociation & eventually manifesting through physical problems.

In this workshop we will be exploring all these 7 chakras. The first hour we will have an interactive discussion where we explore how imbalances & blockages in these chakras can manifest into negative physical & emotional symptoms and how we go about balancing them through the practice of yoga, specifically working with postures that relate to these energy centres and breathing techniques that will enhance their vitality.

There will also be an hour chakra flow where we incorporate a specifically designed sequence aimed at balancing these energy centres.





Sat 11th May 09h30-12h30

At: Shaw Ridge Primary School SN5 5PU

This workshop will be based around learning the tools & skills required when approaching balances and inversions.

You DO NOT need to be proficient in balance or inversions in order to attend as we will break the poses down and get you to a place where you’re comfortable to continue your practicing at home.

I will provide you with the knowledge, courage and motivation to attempt these postures in a safe environment with correct alignment.  




WHEN:  Sat 22nd June 09h30-12h30

VENUE: Shaw Ridge Primary School SN5 5PU

All abilities Welcome

In this sports specific workshop we will spend the morning doing basic Range of Movement tests and then looking at ways in which to build strength, increase range of movement & prevent injury while stretching. 

Both active and passive techniques of yoga will be sequenced to give students an all over stretch, strengthen & release session.


The next YIN CLASS is here

WHEN: Sun 7th April 09h30-10h45

VENUE: Millenium Hall in Purton (SN5 4DT)

Join us for coffee, tea & cake affterwards

There is a move towards Yin yoga as a means to stretching the body that normal yang style vinyasa classes do not. In a Yin class we focus on holding postures for minutes at a time with the use of props. Most poses are mat based, as in done seated or in the supine position and work directly on stretching out the soft connective tissue that surrounds and fills the inner body.

For now we will be running a class once a month to gauge interest.  





Fighting for young people's mental health


[International Yoga Day]



TICKET PRICE £20 [All proceeds to charity; Includes 4 Glow Bands]

Come flow to 90 minutes of electronic dance music while we light up the room with energy, bands, paint and lycra!

Join us as we raise awareness for young people's mental health

£20 Minimum Donation for Entry into the Event


Fancy doing a beginners, power and yin class on a weekly basis?

For £50 per month, you will be able to attend as many classes as you like. Email me for set up details @

‘Ahimsa’ in April

Firstly, hello & happy Mother’s Day! I like to include Mother Earth  in my celebrations.

I don’t know if it was just me, but March was supposed to be all about being mindful, observing without judgement. Instead it seemed to be heavily skewed towards mania. I am witnessing people working longer hours, struggling to surrender, to just let go. Illness seemed to have left no one untouched.

As the blossoms make their appearances so I pray that April will bring light and colour to everyone’s life. May the sun shine and bring with it joy & abundant health.

‘Ahimsa’ is all about non harm to any living creature. This includes oneself and takes into account everything your Being absorbs, from the words we speak, to the air we breathe, to the sights we absorb and the smells we commit to memory.

I invite you to use your mindfulness practice to bear witness to the way you practice ahimsa in your everyday life, to yourself, others and the planet.

Spread love unconditionally!

Love & Light

Karen XX






Sat 6th April 09h30-12h30

At: Shaw Ridge Primary School SN5 5PU

This 'workshop' is more like an energy cleanse morning. Using the principles of Reiki and Kundalini Yoga we will work at clearing and awakening the subtle energy of the body. through yoga techniques.

As we move through the day, different stresses cause our chakras to get blocked leading to a number of elements. It is important to regularly release and clear the chakras for optimal health, ​So even if you attended last year, this will is a practice that should be part of your regular self care rituals. ​

The 7 main chakras can be classified as swirling wheels of electromagnetic energy that are arranged as an ascending column, starting at the base of the spine and ending at the crown of the head. When the energy enters into a chakra and is blocked, it will try to express itself through a psychological disassociation & eventually manifesting through physical problems.

In this workshop we will be exploring all these 7 chakras. The first hour we will have an interactive discussion where we explore how imbalances & blockages in these chakras can manifest into negative physical & emotional symptoms and how we go about balancing them through the practice of yoga, specifically working with postures that relate to these energy centres and breathing techniques that will enhance their vitality.

There will also be an hour chakra flow where we incorporate a specifically designed sequence aimed at balancing these energy centres.





Sat 11th May 09h30-12h30

At: Shaw Ridge Primary School SN5 5PU

This workshop will be based around learning the tools & skills required when approaching balances and inversions.

You DO NOT need to be proficient in balance or inversions in order to attend as we will break the poses down and get you to a place where you’re comfortable to continue your practicing at home.

I will provide you with the knowledge, courage and motivation to attempt these postures in a safe environment with correct alignment.  




WHEN:  Sat 22nd June 09h30-12h30

VENUE: Shaw Ridge Primary School SN5 5PU

All abilities Welcome

In this sports specific workshop we will spend the morning doing basic Range of Movement tests and then looking at ways in which to build strength, increase range of movement & prevent injury while stretching. 

Both active and passive techniques of yoga will be sequenced to give students an all over stretch, strengthen & release session.


The next YIN CLASS is here

WHEN: Sun 7th April 09h30-10h45

VENUE: Millenium Hall in Purton (SN5 4DT)

Join us for coffee, tea & cake affterwards

There is a move towards Yin yoga as a means to stretching the body that normal yang style vinyasa classes do not. In a Yin class we focus on holding postures for minutes at a time with the use of props. Most poses are mat based, as in done seated or in the supine position and work directly on stretching out the soft connective tissue that surrounds and fills the inner body.

For now we will be running a class once a month to gauge interest.  





Fighting for young people's mental health


[International Yoga Day]



TICKET PRICE £20 [All proceeds to charity; Includes 4 Glow Bands]

Come flow to 90 minutes of electronic dance music while we light up the room with energy, bands, paint and lycra!

Join us as we raise awareness for young people's mental health

£20 Minimum Donation for Entry into the Event


Fancy doing a beginners, power and yin class on a weekly basis?

For £50 per month, you will be able to attend as many classes as you like. Email me for set up details @


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